Associate Software Engineer @RedHat | Ex-HoiChoi, Bajaj Finserv Health| Coding Enthusiastic | Java Lover | Full-stack Web-Developer | Trainer | Teaching @Println (Youtube) | Tech Content Writer | Open-Source Contributor | Former Developer Student Club Lead and Microsoft Student Partner | 2021 Passout | Book Chapter author on DTN & Blockchain (Published at Springer, Taylor & Francis)
• Check my Lectures on Youtube.
• Find my works on Github.
• Read my Blogs on Medium.
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technical skills
• Platform : Linux, Windows.
• Programming language: C, JAVA, Javascript, Typescript
• Software Development : Java Swing, AWT, Java-Fx.
• Web Development (Full-stack):
- Serverside/Backend: Java EE Technologies, JSP, Servlet, JSTL, Spring Framework
(Core, MVC, BOOT, AOP, Data, Cloud ), JPA, Hibernate-ORM, Node Js, Express Nest JS,
Gateway Integration, Apache-Tomcat, Glassfish & JBoss Application server, API Integration.
- Microservices: Restful Web-services, JSON, Asynchronous &
Synchronous API, Reactive Programming (RXJava), Spring (Rest, Web Flux, Web Client),
Retrofit, ElasticSearch, GraphQL, Kafka, Eureka, Zull, Hystrix, Sleuth, Zipkin.
- Userside/Frontend : Html, CSS, Bootstrap, Thymeleaf, Angular-8, Data Binding, Redux.
• Cloud : AWS, AWS EC2, AWS ECS, AWS IAM, AWS ELB, AWS ALB, AWS Lambda, Route 53, AWS ECR, S3 Bucket, Dynamo-DB, CI/CD Pipeline.
• System Design: Knowledge of Developing Scalable Distributed System, UML, Load Balanced Microservice System, OOAD and System Design
• OTT Technologies: Kaltura, Content-Encoding, Bitmovin, H264, H265, Tx-Muxing, Fmp4 Muxing, HLS, VP9, Pertitle,
OTT API integration, DRM (Axinom) Encryption & Integration, CDN, Vmaf (Netflix Library)
• DevOps and Other Tools : Maven, Gradle, Git Version-control, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes
• Project Management: Agile, Jira, Asana
Activities (Trainer/Faciliator)
MLH Local Hackday Facilitator 2019
MLH Local Hackday Participants 2019
Recomendation from Dr. Dan Amzallag
Web Development Summer Trainer 2019
JAVA Winter Trainer 2019-20
Web Development Winter Trainer 2019-20
App Development Winter Trainer 2019-20
Ureckon Web-Development Workshop Facilitator 2020
Ureckon Web-Development Workshop Participants 2020
Ureckon Competitive Programming Workshop Participants 2020
C Trainer at NiiT 2020
DS, Algo & DBMS Trainer at RCC 2020
RCCIIT Training Participants 2020
OOP, DS & DBMS Trainer at MAKAUT 2020
Makaut Training Participants 2020
Highest Github Contributor of India April, 2020
Web Projects
All the Web Projects are made using Java EE Technologies, JSP, Servelt, JSTL ,Tomcat,
Glassfish & JBoss Application server,
Spring Framework (Core, MVC, BOOT, AOP, Security, Rest, Data), JPA,
Hibernate-ORM, Soap,Restful Web-services, Nest Js, Node Js, Express
JSON, Asynchronous & Synchronous API, Reactive Programming (RXJava),
Spring (Rest, Web Flux, Web Client), Retrofit, ElasticSearch, GraphQL, Kafka, Eureka, Zull,
Mysql & Oracle databases, API Integration, API Testing (Postman, Swagger) and Deployed
into live AWS and other Local servers with git VCS.
(To know more Click on the project )
• Work with internal team members on the Bajaj Finserv Health App, Developed Backed Microservices for Doctors Portal (Web and App)
• Developed microservices for Doctor Listing, Doctor's Dashboard, EMR, Consultation, Appointment for the Bajaj Finserv Health Application
• Worked on API Development for managing all the Master Data for Doctors Portal
• Worked on the Database Migration (Developed multiple scripts and bash file for data migration)
• Developed all the deliverables on time as per the requirements, worked on multiple ad-hoc tasks by the Partner team, and get all the tasks delivered on time
• Evaluate and increase the effectiveness of tools and applications, Optimize multiple APIs, TTL reduced up to 70-80%
• Written Clean Code, Increased Code coverage, Maintained Cognitive Complexity of the project by following the Lint Rules
• Documentation for new and existing apis, designed schema for the projects
• Coordinate in application development for multiple projects modules
• Woked on Java, Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, Rest API, Typescript, Nest Js, API Gateway, Microservices, MySql, MongoDb, Queuing Mechanism, Azure, Helm, Docker, Kubernetes
• Working as a full-stack engineer with Java, Spring Boot, and Microservices.
• Developing API & CMS for encoding VOD-OTT Content using API & CMS (Streaming at HoiChoi.Tv, Airtel, Vodafone, Jio).
• Developed automated API & CMS for precessing batch files & generating MMC-MEC files for publishing & streaming OTT content at Amazon Video Central.
• Collaborating and coordinating closely with my team members to develop the product and delivered.
Technology Stack (Developer): Spring(MVC, Boot, etc) Hibernate, Restful Web-services, J2EE, Microservices, MySQL, Kafka, Eureka, Zuul, Hystix, Sleuth, Zipkin, GraphQL, Git, AWS, S3, Security, Encryption & Encoding, Oracle, OTT content, DRM integration, etc.
•Full-stack Web Developer Trainee at InvigorateCloud. Pvt. Ltd.
•During this provisional period, Soumyadip has worked on the mentioned technology stack and some projects of several Service area sectors.
•And Soumyadip has worked on Some OTT Projects with some Big ventures, E-Paper Project, and many other projects.
•Technology Stack (Developer): Spring(MVC, Boot, etc) Hibernate, Restful Web-services, J2EE, Angular8, Service, Security, Encryption & Encoding, Oracle, OTT content, DRM integration etc.
•Cloud & DevOps ( AWS EC2, AWS Lambda, AWS EBS, AWS S3, AWS DynampDB, AWS Routing, DevOps Tools, Project Management, CI/CD pipeline, Agile, Jira, Docker, Ansible, Puppet, Terraform, Kubernetes, Jenkins ))
Soumyadip is C, JAVA, Web and Mobile App Development Trainer at National Institute for Industrial Training.
Soumyadip was Web-Development Trainer at Team Cognito LLP.
Soumyadip has published multiple technical content on JAVA,Spring Boot, Angular and many more(Topics are written below) for Javaguides.net,
All the contents are available on mentioned website.
Topics : Core JAVA, Swing, Awt, JavaFX, Angular-8, Spring Boot
Developed Enterprise website(Backend-frontend).
Serverside - Java (Jsp, Servlet, JSTL, JDBC), MySql, Xml, Json, Payment Getway API integration (Stripe),Mail Api integration (Gmail)
Client side: HTML,CSS,Bootstrap.
Soumyadip was a Software Development Intern at Team Cognito, He has worked on a ERP Software Project & Chatbot during his internship. Technical Stack: JAVA, Java-Fx, Swing, MySQL
Faciliator in Workshops
- - Git, Web Development & Cloud(AWS) Workshop(Local Hack Day) By MLH, 12th Oct, 2019
- - Competive Coding Workshop By Codechef & Ureckon, 25th-26th Jan,2020
- - Git, Distributed Networking & JAVA By Microsoft Student Partner, 24th Apr,2020
- - Ignite the Spark (8 Days Event) By Microsoft Student Partner, 26th Apr-3rd May,2020
- - Git, Azure with Microservices By Microsoft Student Partner, 6th May,2020
- - Ureckon Web Development Workshop By Microsoft & Ureckon, 18th-19th Jan,2020
- -Distributed Networking and DevOps By Microsoft Student Partner, 22nd Apr,2020
- - Git and Android Application App Development By Microsoft Student Partner, 25th Apr,2020
- - Git, Github & Introduction to Cloud By Microsoft Student Partner, 5th May,2020
- - 3rd in Co-Decode TechnoRion (Coding Competition, IIT Bombay, 2019
- -1st prize in Hackathon (BPPIMT,2019)
- -4th most Active Github User in INDIA (Dec 2019, by Commits.top)
- -1st Top most Active Github User in INDIA (April 2020, by Commits.top)
- -1st Prize in Hackathon (UEMK,2019)
- -3rd prize in Project competition (Hardware/Software, UEMK, 2019)
- -Digital Ocean Hacktober Fest Qualified
- -Microsoft Beta Student Partner among 300 MSP in INDIA
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